Welcome to Pottles Premier Plants
Established in 1986 by Keith Pottle and his son Mark, Pottle’s Premier Plants is a wholesale Nursery specialising in hardy nursery stock. It has now expanded to be one of the largest growers in North Wales.
Operating from our 11-acre site, we supply plants to garden centres, landscapers, local authorities, caravan parks, and golf courses across the UK.
We produce a wide range of shrubs and conifers as well as ornamental trees, fruit trees, climbing plants, ferns, grasses, hedging and soft fruit. We sell in a range of pot sizes from 2-20 litres and are also able to source plants to customer specification.
Our nursery is 600 feet above sea level which ensures hardy growth producing top quality plants. All our stock is inspected twice a year by DEFRA.
Our Process
Pottle’s Premier Plants stock begins with cuttings rooted mainly in our propagation unit. These are then grown as liners before being potted into 2 or 3 litres and then grown on until ready for sale.
Careful selection and quality control measures ensure our customers receive top quality plants.
These can be individually labelled with description, pre-pried and bar-coded on request, before being delivered to customers by our own vehicles on C.C trollies.
We strongly recommend a visit to our Nursery. We are more than happy to guide you around, and show you our top quality plants. To arrange a visit please contact us.